Hermann Hudde, classical guitar: Latin American Art Music

Hermann Hudde explores the rich reimagining of the Spanish guitar in the art music of Latin America.

Sunday, October 6, 2024, 7 p.m.
Drinkward Recital Hall

A headshot of a man holding or playing the guitar.
Hermann Hudde. Photo courtesy of the artist.


Five Etudes
Leo Brouwer
(b. 1939, Cuba)

Antonio Lauro
(1917-86, Venezuela)

Alex Rodríguez
(b. 1952, Venezuela)

Miguel del Águila

Prelude Nr. 3   
   Etude 11
Heitor Villa-Lobos
(1887-1959, Brazil)


Sonata mexicana   
   Allegro moderato
   Andantino affettuoso
   Allegetto in tempo di serenata
   Allegro un poco vivace
Manuel M. Ponce
(1882-1948, Mexico)

La casa azul   
Aquiles Báez
(1964-2022, Venezuela)

El Decamerón negro   
   El arpa del guerrero
   La huida de los amantes por el valle de los ecos
   La ballada de la doncella enamorada
Leo Brouwer
(b. 1939, Cuba)

Hermann Hudde is a recitalist who has given performances at distinguished venues, such as the Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts, MIT Guest Artist Concert Series, King’s Chapel, the Loring-Greenough House, St. Paul Cathedral, Bentley University, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, the Keller Room at the New England Conservatory in Boston, Massachusetts; Graphikmuseum Pablo Picasso, St. Elizabeth-Kirche, and Lateinamerikanischen Musiktage in Germany; La Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fundación John Boulton, Casa de Estudios Latinoamericanos “Rómulo Gallegos," and Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela; Wasserstaawerk Concertgebouw in the Netherlands; Sala Teatina in Florence, Italy; the University of Chicago Fulton Recital Hall and El Instituto de Cultura y Educación de México en Chicago in Chicago, Illinois; Dartmouth College Vaughan Recital Series in Hanover, New Hampshire; and La Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris and L’Université de Franche-Comtè in Besancon, France among others.

Hudde’s concerted engagement with creative performance practices is reflected in his community performance outreach and work in non-traditional venues including public schools, senior centers, and public libraries. As a four-time recipient of the prestigious Gluck Fellow Program of the Arts at the University of California, Riverside (2017-21), he continues to bring interactive live music programs to dozens of public schools in Southern California. Previously, in Boston, Hudde received a Performance Outreach Fellowship from the New England Conservatory of Music (2006-07).

The range of his experience in higher education includes teaching diverse music courses at UCLA, Scripps College, Harvey Mudd College, CSU Fullerton, Cambridge Centre for International Research (UK), New England Conservatory of Music, and UC Riverside. As an emerging and respected scholar from Venezuela and the U.S., his research articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Current Musicology, Oxford Bibliographies, Journal of the Socierty for American Music, Latin American Music Review, Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review, Revista Musical Chilena, Músicaenclave, and Harvard Review of Latin America.

Hermann Hudde earned a PhD in Musicology from the University of California, Riverside (2021) with his dissertation “Negotiating Politics and Aesthetics: The Untold History of Latin America Modern Art Music in the Berkshire Music Center at Tanglewood (1940-1951).”  He also holds a Master of Music Degree with a Music-in-Education concentration (2008) from New England Conservatory in Boston, under the tutelage of Robert Sullivan; a Master of Arts in Musicology from Brandeis University thanks to the support of scholarships; a bachelor’s degree in music at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold Abteilung Münster, Germany (2003); and a bachelor’s degree in international studies at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (1998). Hudde received a scholarship from the Mozarteum University in Salzburg to attend the Summer Academy (2004), where he met and became a student of Edoardo Catemario at the Accademia Musicale di Firenze, Italy (2005-06). Hudde began his guitar studies in Venezuela with Rubén Riera and studied music theory with the composer Alvaro Cordero.

HMC is deeply grateful for the generous support that created The Ken Stevens ’61 Founding Class Concert Series.

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