Lucas Bang

Static Dynamic Emergent

January 29 - March 3, 2024

Sprague Gallery

Closing Reception: Friday, February 23, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Picture of a robotic hand in open palm with plants growing out of finger joints.

Sprague Gallery is pleased to announce Static Dynamic Emergent, the first solo exhibition of Lucas Bang. This collection of works explores the boundary spaces between stillness, movement, and self-reflective generation within a computationally mediated world.

The exhibition presents four recent projects that examine human activities, possibilities, expectations and automations. Autopoietic Turing Machine and Autopoietic Neural Net reflect on computational systems that are capable of self-examination for the purpose of changing their own behavior within a constrained set of possibilities. The site-specific sculptural installation Touch Grass is inspired by conversations about workload with students at the Claremont Colleges. Time Slips 1, 2, and 3 are a series of video installations encouraging the viewer to contemplate their own movement through time and space while under self-surveillance.

Static Dynamic Emergent opens on January 29 and continues through March 3, 2024.

Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with additional hours during events on evenings and weekends.

The exhibition is open to the public.

The exhibition is curated by Lucas Bang and Ken Fandell of Harvey Mudd College.


Lucas Bang is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College. He has exhibited works at Moss Arts Center in Blacksburg, Virginia and at CURRENTS New Media Festival in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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